A mockup, in the architectural arts world, can be an extremely useful tool in achieving the desired end results.
A mockup is vision of what the historic decoration or architectural finishes will look like after restoration or new design implementation has taken place.
Reasons to Incorporate a Mockup
1. A historic paint investigation may uncover hidden artwork or decoration.
Mockups can provide a view into the past by showing what once was. A mockup is created based off the discovered art work or decorative finishes found during the paint investigation and analysis. This interpretation of the findings provides the needed visual of what it could be after restoration of the finishes.
2. Where artwork or decoration has been lost, new designs for historic and period interiors can be implemented in its place that are respectful to the historic structure.
Mockups can show how a new design will look when incorporated into existing period interiors and buildings.
3. Depicting and visualizing how a color palette will come together on a project can be achieved with mockups.
A painted mockup is often based on a historic paint analysis and study of the historic decorative design in a building or on a new design chosen by the design team. A mockup provides a more accurate interpretation of the color palette and considers other finishes in the space, such as furnishings and lighting.
4. Mockups can help guide the trajectory of a project and key design decisions by providing a greater understanding of what can be accomplished during restoration.
It provides an opportunity to prepare accurate durations, sequencing, and scheduling for the implementation of the finishes. If working in a public building or space, it gives a comfort level to the public while setting the level of expectations that the work will be as unobtrusive as possible
5. When proposing different scenarios and budget levels, mockups can easily show the various options available and drive the direction of the project and stay within budget.
Mockups can develop value engineering methods in material selection, methods of execution, etc.
6. If fundraising is needed, having mockups available in the fundraising campaign can provide a visual to key donors.
Mockups help raise funds and achieve goals by showing donors and investors what their money actually will be going towards.
7. Mockups are a great way to get feedback and gather input from all parties involved in the decision process.
Mockups can also put clients at ease by being part of the process and obtaining a solid understanding of the historic restoration work that will be done and the level of quality that is expected.

The Many Forms of a Mockup
Mockups can come in many forms depending on the type of historical restoration project and what the reason behind the mockup is.
- Mockups can be a portable three-dimensional model, such as a scaled model, the capital of a pillar, or a sculptural form of the proposed mouldings.
- A mockup can be in the form of a digital rendering or a water color rendering of the fully completed project area or a component of the project.
- A full scale mockup includes the architectural features and decorative finishes in situ. Full scale mockups allow for the work to be seen in the actual setting in context rather that a small sample or rendering.
- It can be a sample on a piece of material that is going to be used in the implementation process, such as trompe l’oeil or complex stenciling painted on canvas or sample boards, or a sample portraying the finished wood, stone, or plaster casting.
The Importance of a Mockup in Restoration and Preservation
The mockup is the foundation of the final design, predicting the architectural finished work. Mockups help provide an important guide for the direction of the historical restoration work and design. Visualizing the design ahead of time with mockups makes it easier to finalize the plan and makes for a smoother final result.