Historical Significance
When you think of Medieval times, knights and castles might first come to mind while in fact this period spans all the way from the Romans to the Renaissance. For over 600 years, civilization underwent cultural and religious change. Architecture has had a strong cultural influence, bringing about massive cathedrals and impressive public works. Gothic Architecture in particular had its effect on civilization and markers of its importance are still apparent today. The Gothic style was introduced towards the beginning of the 12
th century. Its appearance in the latter half of the Middle Ages came in the form of church design. Many European Churches were fashioned in Gothic style to create a feeling of worldly-transcendence. As the Middle Ages gave way to an enlightenment period, the Gothic style turned into the Renaissance. Gothic influence was not to re-surface for 700 years until a prominent style came into significance towards the 19
th century. The revival of Gothic Architecture, now known as High Victorian Gothic, took a refined and advanced look into the imposing style of its genus.
High Victorian Gothic Architecture originated in England. Often used for more substantial buildings such as churches or government offices, this style can be associated with a higher stature of importance. Many college chapels revisited the Gothic style and are testaments to the beauty of this era. Examples of High Victorian elements found in college churches throughout the United States is numerous, but there are specific buildings which especially amplify this style’s influence on modern Architecture.