John Canning & Co. Earns the 2020 Preservation Connecticut Award of Merit.
Work done at First Congregational Church of West Haven, Connecticut.

Cheshire CT, July 2020: John Canning & Co., earned the 2020 Preservation Connecticut Award of Merit for the work completed at the First Congregational Church of West Haven in Connecticut. John Canning & Co., performed plaster stabilization and consolidation as well as some plaster restoration for the church.
Preservation Connecticut’s mission is to preserve, protect, and promote the buildings, sites, and landscapes that contribute to the heritage and vitality of Connecticut communities. Every year, Preservation Connecticut recognizes outstanding achievement in protecting and nourishing Connecticut’s significant buildings, landscapes, and communities with their merit awards.
The First Congregational Church of West Haven is a church whose doors are open wide to all people seeking to find a place for spiritual worship and to be able to explore their faith. In order to continue to provide a safe place of worship, The First Congregational Church of West Haven began this project as a result of a catastrophic failure of a section of the ceiling border moulding that fell onto wood furnishings and the floor.
The project started with a plaster survey to examine the stability of the existing plaster ceiling and determine the best method for stabilization and repair. The implementation of the consolidation of plaster was performed from the attic on the back side of the plaster using HPCS (Historic Plaster Conservation Services). Using the HPCS suite of products as a tool for this project allowed us to address the problem at the root- where the plaster meets the substrate. Along with the stabilization and consolidation, additional work of plaster repair was performed which included the replication and reattachment of plaster mouldings.
Through a team effort from the GNCB Consulting Engineers, Kronenberger and Sons Restoration, and John Canning & Co. the First Congregational Church of West Haven can now be safely enjoyed by parishioners, the community and visitors.

Located in Cheshire, CT., John Canning & Co., is one of the nation’s experts in historic restoration, conservation and preservation. John Canning & Co. offers services in a variety of areas including: conservation, planning, designing, historic paint analysis, plaster condition surveys, restoration, decorative finishes and painting, budgeting and consulting. John Canning & Co. with over 40 years of experience has received numerous awards and have been entrusted to restore state capitols, courthouses, churches, libraries, museums, theatres, educational establishments and other historic buildings. In addition to this Preservation Connecticut Award, we also received the 2020 Preservation Connecticut Award of Merit for the work completed at the Mahogany Suite at the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut.