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Grant County Courthouse

Through a competitive bid process, John Canning & Co. was selected by Miller Dunwiddie and Grant County to complete the preservation and restoration of interior decorative elements on the second floor of the Grant County Courthouse.

grant county courthouse


Location: Elbow Lake, MN
Built: Circa 1906
Original Architect: Bell & Detweiler
Status: National Landmark


Historic building interior with ornate railing, decorative columns, and chandeliers.
Restored historic ceiling mural with intricate artwork and chandelier in a preserved building.
Ornate ceiling with a central fresco and decorative molding in a restored historic building.
Wall with a spot of original paint and "Judge's Chambers" sign.
Restored historic interior with green and yellow walls, wood trim, and a door sign labeled "Judge's Chambers."
Stained glass dome with intricate design and surrounding painted sky mural.
Restored historic dome ceiling with intricate paintings and stained glass centerpiece.
"We are deeply honored that John Canning performed the artistic work on the decorative elements. Your staff were very professional and accommodating with the public during the project.
Since the project, we have had many tours of the Courthouse, all of the reactions have been very positive and grateful the County preserved the decorative elements."

The restoration project involved an historic paint study to determine the original decorative campaign including the historic paint scheme and original stenciling. Microscopy analysis and on-site exposures uncovered the historic campaign and areas of original marbleizing that had been painted over. A mural on the courtroom ceiling and four murals in the rotunda were conservation cleaned and restored. The project also involved the restoration of woodwork and wood furniture including the jury box and seats in the main courtroom.

The original decoration was replicated and ornamental and flat plaster repaired where water damaged and deterioration occurred. The stained glass in the dome was conservation cleaned and repaired and furnishings throughout the courtroom restored.