Saint Patrick Parish
John Canning & Co. assessed the conditions of the plaster in the attic space at Saint Patrick Parish.

Location: Lawrence, MA
Built: Circa 1894
Original Architect: Unknown
Style: Gothic Revival
- Investigation of Historic Materials: Plaster
- Conditions Assessment
- Treatment Report & Documentation
- Plaster Consolidation
- Plaster Stabilization
- Structural Reinforcement
- Plaster Restoration
- General Painting
A portion of the historic plaster ceiling had collapsed. John Canning & Co. assessed the conditions of the plaster from the attic space and determined that, due to failing plaster keys, the plaster substrate was delaminating from the structural framing. The entirety of the plaster ceiling was consolidated from above using an adhesive injection system to stabilize and reinforce the plaster ceiling back to the supporting lath and framing. In areas where necessary, metal lath was installed to provide further structural reinforcement.